Aiming for zero
Join Us
The Initiative is open to energy companies with any level of direct involvement in exploration, extraction and/or production of oil, natural gas or other fossil fuels (excluding coal), irrespective of percentage revenue generated by these activities, irrespective of their geographical location or segment of the value chain they operate in.
That includes, but is not limited to, integrated oil and gas companies, integrated gas companies, exploration and production pure players, refining and marketing pure players, oil products distributors, gas distributors and retailers.
Joining the Initiative comes at no financial cost. Companies will manage implementation of the Initiative on their own, without any reporting to the Initiative. Signatories may choose to leave the Initiative for any reason at any time.
Submission form
For oil and gas companies that are ready to take a new approach to methane emissions.
For organizations that want to support the implementation and expansion of this Initiative.