Aiming for zero

Useful Resources

This is a non-exhaustive list of links to materials useful for those tackling methane emissions from oil and gas operations.

OGCI guidance on near zero methane emissions

OGCI guidance lays out a pathway that includes identifying emissions sources, taking a systematic approach and prioritizing the biggest abatement opportunities. The guidance can be used at any asset or location and incorporates best practice, new technologies and existing regulations. OGCI’s guidance also provides examples of globally recognized targets, standards and protocols for methane emissions to aid companies’ efforts


Mist is a best-in-class and user-friendly tool which leverages the latest research to set up your methane inventory and help prioritize mitigation. Mist provides the magnitude and nature of emissions from your facilities and identifies the abatement potential and cost based on custom abatement technology.

Methane from Flaring Toolkit

Launched in September 2022, this toolkit is designed to provide practical advice and information on the effective measurement and monitoring of methane emissions from flares. It outlines the challenges to understand, measure, control and reduce methane emissions from flares and uses examples of best available technology to enable operators to meet or exceed existing regulatory requirements, providing advice and direction to further resources wherever possible.

MiQ’s Methane Emissions Standard

The MiQ Standard is an independent framework for assessing methane emissions and practices for oil and gas facilities. Independent highly qualified 3rd party auditors conduct the certification process, using the MiQ Standard. An A to F grading for methane emissions is then attributed to a facility and reviewed regularly – all taking place within the framework of the MiQ Standard.

MiQ’s methane tech providers

Operators can work with a wide range of technology partners to achieve MiQ Certification, ranging from detection and measurement to data solutions and analytics, audit prep and implementation.

Detailed recommendations to support EU Methane Strategy

In 2021, a subset of the Methane Guiding Principles signatories developed detailed recommendations to support European Union legislation that aims to achieve ambitious methane emission reduction outcomes across the supply chain of natural gas consumed in the EU.

The recommendations cover monitoring, reporting & verification of oil and gas methane emissions; leak detection and repair; and upstream venting and flaring

OGCI Reducing Methane Emissions

OGCI position paper: policies to reduce methane emissions

In 2020, OGCI member companies published a joint position on Proposed policies for inclusion in national climate strategies to enhance oil and gas methane emission mitigation. The paper describes key policy mechanisms for reducing methane emissions, including a standardized monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) framework, working practices and technology standards to avoid or reduce methane emissions, and the setting of voluntary methane emission reduction targets.

Recommended Practices for Methane Quantification

Available by end-2022, this report will provide a framework on how to apply different combinations of technologies to (1) improve the robustness of identifying frequency and persistence of large methane emissions relative to the specific operating environment and (2) provide guidance for the implementation of complementary technology for quantification.

OGMP2.0 Reconciliation and Uncertainty Guidance Document

Reconciliation is the process of comparing source-level inventories with independent site-level measurements. Site-level measurements complement – rather than replace – source-level estimates, and the process of reconciliation helps improve accuracy, thoroughness and confidence in reported emissions.

The guidance, available online, provides operators with an approach to report source-level inventories with independent site-level measurements including reconciliation, but is not prescriptive to OGMP Signatories.

OGMP2.0 Technical Guidance Documents

OGMP2.0 is currently developing a series of Technical Guidance Documents for Reporting of Methane Emissions on a source-by-source basis. The Technical Guidance Documents guide O&G companies in reporting methane emissions for a specific source, across all levels of OGMP2.0 Reporting.

Sustainability Reporting Guidance

A key tool to help companies shape the structure and content of their sustainability reporting. The guidance provides a matrix to break down methane emissions by source and business activity and recommendations on qualitative KPIs, such as describing risk assessment and methane mitigation plans, and direct or estimated measurement and monitoring methods.

Environmental Data Collection Guide

The annual collection, collation, and reporting of upstream environmental information is a central part of the IOGP work programme. Specifically on methane emissions, Appendix 2 of the guide provides macro-sources of methane emissions to report against.

OGCI Reducing Methane Emissions

OGCI Reporting Framework

OGCI reports collectively on a set of climate-related indicators, using a Reporting Framework that is updated yearly and defines how member companies should report their performance data within OGCI. Specifically on methane emissions, OGCI member companies report collectively on total operated methane emissions, upstream operated methane emissions and upstream methane intensity.

OGMP2.0 Reporting Framework

The OGMP was founded in 2015 to help companies reduce methane emissions in the oil and gas sector. Its initial reporting methodology was designed in a partnership among industry, government and civil society as part of the UNEP-led Climate and Clean Air Coalition’s Mineral Methane Initiative 

In 2021, the OGMP2.0 Reporting Framework was launched with the aim to improve the robustness and consistency of methane reporting and broadening the understanding of methane emissions across all oil and gas segments. Reporting in OGMP2.0 is done on an operated and equity perimeter at the asset level, and integrates site-level measurements into its quantification methodology.

Methane by Source Toolkit

A free-to-use web-tool that supports (1) the identification of all relevant methane sources on a site/facility, (2) consistent, traceable and defendable methane calculations based on a hierarchy of approaches and (3) identification and high-level screening of mitigation options. The tool is expected to be available online in early 2023 and is being developed with Carbon Limits, and with support from OGCI.

Recommended Practices for Methane Detection

Available by end-2022, this report provides a framework on how to apply different combinations of detection technologies to (1) support detection of unplanned sources of methane emissions and enable mitigation through repair and reduction and (2) provide guidance for the implementation of complementary technology for detection.

Reducing Methane Emissions Best Practice Guides

Designed to help those responsible for developing methane management plans. Each Guide provides a summary of current known mitigations, costs, and available technologies. To date, 10 Guides have been published, covering multiple emission sources (flaring, venting, leaks) as well as design phases and detection.

Global Methane Pledge

The 100+ Global Methane Pledge participants agree to take vountary actions to contribute to a collective effort to reduce global methane emissions from all sources by at least 30% from 2020 levels by 2030. Participants also commit to move towards thehighest tier IPCC good practice inventory methodologies and improve the accuracy, transparency, consistency, comparability and completeness of reporting.

International Methane Emissions Observatory Report

The International Methane Emissions Observatory collects and integrates diverse methane emissions data streams to establish a global public record of empirically verified methane emissions. This is its first annual report.

IEA Global Methane Tracker 2022

The IEA’s Global Methane Tracker provides a complete set of country-level estimates for methane emissions from the energy sector, detailing available abatement measures and the state of methane reduction policies and regulations across major methane emitting countries.

The fastest way to slow climate change now

“Cutting methane is the single fastest, most effective opportunity to reduce climate change risks in the near term,” says EDF scientist Ilissa Ocko. That’s because, unlike carbon dioxide, methane’s warming power doesn’t come from a gradual buildup over time but is almost entirely from recent emissions. Ocko identifies three main sources of methane pollution which, if addressed, could dramatically slow down the rate of global warming within years — not decades.